Data Literacy Toolbox - in Practice

To Provider

SAS | Curiosity

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Data Literacy Toolbox - in Practice

Learning content is provided by an external provider


Data Basics


3 hours





To Provider


In this self-paced course, you will discover practical skills to explore and visualize data. You will follow a small business owner's data-driven journey to improve company performance. Using this real-world context, you'll connect knowledge to strategies you can act on. The course is for everyone, no matter where you are on your data literacy journey. By focusing on conceptual and practical understanding rather than distracting mathematical jargon, learners feel supported and encouraged throughout the process. Whether you are a high school student, a K-12 educator, a post-secondary student or educator, or an independent learner hoping to reskill or upskill, this course is for you.

What will you learn?

  • You will learn how to prepare data for analysis
  • Conduct exploratory data analysis
  • Investigate relationships in the data using visualizations
  • Contextualize and communicate findings

What prior knowledge do you need?

While Data Literacy in Practice stands alone, it is highly recommended that you complete the External LinkData Literacy Essentials course before taking this course. In three hours, Data Literacy Essentials provides important foundational knowledge, exploring what data literacy is and why it matters.

Further information

This module is part of the Data Literacy Toolbox: External LinkLearn more